I've been walking at least four miles every day this week. On Wednesday I walked twelve miles, and yesterday ten! I found a new travel series to watch while I'm walking indoors: Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown. Fascinating travel trivia:
Finland hosts a wife-carrying contest every year. Cornish pasties were invented by
Welsh tin miners, whose hands would be contaminated by toxic tin. They'd hold on to the thick crust while eating the pastie, then throw the crust away.
I'm finally eating less. A move may be in our future and I am determined to arrive in a new area as a THIN person. Since Sunday I've been limiting my daily calories to 1200. So far I've lost three pounds. Twenty-five to go.
Fat Burnin' Friday is hosted
12 miles in a day! Congrats -- that's awesome. I used to watch Debbie Travis the Painted Home. At least I think that was her name. She was from Canada. Anyway, keep up the great work.
Congraulations! you're doing good :)
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