Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm getting smaller!

I've been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds since last fall, while my tummy seemed to just get bigger all the time. Some days only my yoga pants fit. Something had to be done!

I've been trying to eat the "French Women Don't Get Fat" way, with balanced meals of good food (not meal replacement bars or sugar substitutes -- just real food in sensible portions) but I've have a hard time limiting my starches.

I suddenly realized how limited my summer wardrobe was. I had one pair of shorts that I could barely zip and definitely not wear in public. None of my capri pants were fitting. So...I ordered the liquid slimming supplements from just over a month ago. Not a lot of change the first 2 weeks.

About 2 weeks ago I began really concentrating on my starch portions -- limiting bread and pasta and granola. The scale went up and down a pound or two.

For a week now I've been walking regularly with my pedometer, indoors, looking out the window or watching tv. First one mile, then two, and by yesterday I walked 6 miles! (not all at once, usually about 2 miles at a time in 20-25 minutes)

The scale says I'm only 2 pounds down from two weeks ago. BUT...I'm wearing my shorts! And my capri pants fit too! A week ago I couldn't zip them! Now they are comfortable to wear!Woo hoo! I have a summer wardrobe! And I'm going to keep walking and get that scale to MOVE.

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