Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday in Portland

A soft rain is falling outside and I am delighting in the many shades of gray sky and green hills. I hope to find a cup of clam chowder at some point during this trip -- a decent chowder is difficult to find at home in the desert.

My friend spoke at the session this morning, sharing some of her own spiritual journey, as well as insights on the life of the Mary. Of course she did a lovely job, and it was so special to be present for this.

In the afternoon we went to Saturday Market. I purchased several small decor items.

This evening we went to a Morroccan Restaurant. This was a new and fabulous experience for me! The food was so flavorful, but there was no hot spiciness. The flavors were blended in unusual and enjoyable combinations. My favorite was something similar to this:

Tonight my back was really hurting so I skipped the evening session and came back to our room to lie down...and have a long phone conversation with my husband about the fabulous Morroccan food!

1 comment:

SnowWhite said...

Yum, Clam chowder. New England or Manhattan? I like the former. Thanks for the tip about the site meter.