Sunday, February 10, 2008

especially weak and weary today

Just a bit of a moan...

I was awakened at 4:30 this morning by a pounding headache. At 6 I gave up on the idea of sleep, and had a bath with aromatherapy (a blend of tea tree oil and euclyptus oil). Neither esberitox nor echinachea tea diminished the pounding. My husband was gone all morning, but the children didn't run too far amok while I laid on my bed with my lavender eye pillow. My sweet two year old would climb up on the bed every half hour or so for a little cuddle.

This afternoon I tried the strong-coffee-followed-by-dark-beer headache cure but it didn't help either. The worst thing was being unable to read or go online without increased pain. Life without books or the internet is dreary.

The kids and my husband were gone this evening. I suddenly remembered a homeopathic remedy I'd purchased several months ago, and it helped! Why oh why didn't I think of that at 4:30 this morning???

The remedy was Migraide, available at Whole Foods, Amazon, and probably many health food stores. (I'm not sure why I can't post a photo at the end of a post....blogger seems to put them all at the beginning).

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